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About Us

Welcome to Grand Home Designs, where passion meets tradition, and innovation blends seamlessly with heritage. Our story is deeply rooted in a legacy of craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations. At the heart of this journey is Ed Grandy, our founder, who learned the art of carpentry from his father, a true master of the trade.


Our Heritage

Ed Grandy’s journey as a master carpenter began in the humble workshop of his father. The walls of that workshop echoed with the sounds of chisels and saws, where each piece of wood was treated with reverence and transformed into a work of art. His father was not just a carpenter; he was a storyteller through his creations, a poet with a plane, and a visionary with every joint and curve.

Ed’s father, the true artisan, imparted not just the skills of carpentry but also the essence of craftsmanship. He instilled in his son the values of dedication, precision, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Those lessons weren’t just about wood; they were about life, about the enduring impact of passion, and about the beauty of creating something with your own hands.


Ed Grandy’s Journey

His journey as a carpenter started with humble beginnings but was always fuelled by the fire of his father’s teachings.

Over the years, Ed has honed his skills, not only as a master craftsman but also as a designer and creator of unique, beautiful bespoke projects. His commitment to quality, authenticity, and innovation drives every project we undertake. At Grand Home Designs, we don’t just build wardrobes, media units etc; we craft dreams that are built to last, much like the bond between a father and his son.


Our Commitment

At Grand Home Designs, we continue to embrace the values passed down through generations. We honour the teachings of Ed’s father by creating custom builds that tell stories, that are more than just individual projects, but living memories of craftsmanship and dedication.

Join us on this journey where tradition meets innovation, and craftsmanship intertwines with dreams. Together, let’s create finished products that stand the test of time and carry forward the echoes of a master carpenter’s legacy.


High Quality, Ethically Sourced Materials

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

Honest Prices

15 years Of Experience

Our Story

We’ve Been Building Wardrobes, Media Units, Panelling and more since 2009.

Years Of Experience

Renovation Projects

Custom Build Pieces
